By Camille Berger of Early Beginning Chiropractic (https://www.earlybeginningschiro.com)
When it all starts, you are safely and comfortably snuggled in a cozy spot. Then, gradually, you notice pressure and squeezes. It is not uncomfortable at first, but eventually it becomes more and more intense. You are moving down, followed by bright light, strange faces and many hands touching you. If you are lucky, your mother comforts you shortly after you enter this strange world.
Being born is hard work! Mom and baby partner in this journey and work together to accomplish this task. Even if all things go as hoped and planned, it’s a bit of a shock. During a normal vaginal delivery, a baby’s head, neck, and spine undergo 60 to 120 lbs. of pressure. This increases with the use of forceps, vacuum, or the attending doctor pulling on the baby. It is an incredible amount of force for a 7-8 lb. baby to endure. No wonder we often consider birth as a traumatic event!
Because of this, I recommend that babies have a check-up after birth. As a Doctor of Chiropractic, I check the nervous system for tone, functionality, and ease by doing a complete physical, neurological, and chiropractic examination.
In my practice, I see quite frequently older infants and toddlers when the effects of their birth starts to intervene with their daily lives. Parents may notice various symptoms that make adjusting to life with a baby a bit of a struggle. Your baby has three main activities at the onset of their lives: eat, poop, and sleep. If you notice that your baby is struggling with any of these three activities, it’s time for an exam.
Becoming a parent is a whirl wind, wild, and exciting! You may need to work with your baby to adjust day and night activity schedules, feeding, and work on a routine that works for both of you. All of these things are normal, but there are some reasons your baby should be checked by a pediatric chiropractor. You will probably have heard many of these and they are common, but they are not normal.
– Baby is grunting and straining, turning red or crying when pooping
– Baby struggles with gas, stomach pains, or is upset after eating
– You are familiar with the witching hour, purple crying, or colic
– Baby is always restless, you can’t set her down and she won’t sleep on her own ever
– Baby is awake every hour for an hour – or more – during the night. You are exhausted and cannot get the rest you need.
– Difficulty latching, staying awake during feeds, or extreme discomfort for you or your baby when nursing
– Baby only looks to one side and she gets upset if you try to change her head position
– Your baby is tight and ridged and struggles to relax
– Your instincts tell you something isn’t quite right, and you are unsure of what to do next.
My goal as a pediatric chiropractor is to guide you on this new journey. My objective in this is to ease the transition for both, you and your baby. Chiropractic care helps regulate the nervous system during this transition. Adjustments help ease jaw tension and increase nursing efficiency when you have difficult time nursing or pain. When your baby has difficulty with its bowel movement, adjustments promote digestion and relax muscles. Or when having sleeping troubles, adjustments help to soothe baby’s fight or flight response. Adjustments are gentle and safe. In my practice, I use no more pressure than you would to check the ripeness of a tomato. Chiropractic care and adjustments for your baby will look very different than an adjustment for yourself. To understand the needs of your baby, I emphasize checking your baby’s head shape and tummy tension as I spend on your baby’s spine. Sometimes babies are happy on a comfy pillow, other times they prefer to be held by me or their parent. I will follow your baby and your cues on what makes you most comfortable. I even had babies sleep during the whole exam and adjustment!
You can usually start seeing changes quickly. Depending on your baby’s history, you may notice immediate changes, such as a big blow out right at the office. Other times, the change may be slower and gradual. However, you should see a more calm and happy baby within a couple of weeks. The process of healing and change is different for everyone, babies included. Some unexpected side effects I have seen and are common of chiropractic care are:
– Increased hunger: Some babies like to eat right after an adjustment. In our office we offer and encourage you to stay and feed your baby as long as you need. Jaw movement only improves the adjustment.
– Big poops
– Long naps: As baby’s nervous system learns to heal, baby may need some more rest
– Quicker feedings: Your baby will be more efficient when eating. This may catch you off guard if you are nursing, but it is expected.
– Improved head control: Expect better connection and control of her muscles after an adjustment.
– Longer sleep stretches. Need I say more?
– More smiles. This usually takes a while, but before you know it, your baby will be happy to see me for an adjustment and she will be just happier over all!
Being born is hard work. Being a new parent and baby is a lot to adjust to. Chiropractic care can help your family have a smooth and happy transition into a new way of daily life!
*Disclaimer: Any content provided by doulasmilwaukee.com is intended for informational and educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for personalized medical advice by your doctor, midwife, or other healthcare professional. Click return to homepage.
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